Sunday, August 29, 2010

bye bye summer vacation :'(

haha whoops! looks like i kind of abandoned my poor lonely blog for pretty much summer vacation in it's entirety. i do feel guilty, but it gave me a chance to do other stuff! so here i am...back and ready to write!
about fashion photos, and photos in general: i took a billion. but, well, let's not beat around the bush. i left my memory card on the table where we keep the computer and my little puppy decided to jump up and eat it. so, yes. my dog ate my memory card. so i'm temporarily using my old memory card from my old broken camera, which stores 70 pictures. i mean, that other one could store over 1000 pictures. so we have to wait until we find a new one of equal or greater value on sale...yeah, keep on dreaming. i know.
in other news, my little sister and i were just in my room collaging our back to school supplies with bits and pieces from my fashion magazines (vogue, teen vogue, nylon, vogue italia, vogue australia, seventeen, etc.). i'm not sure i like how mine came out...but i can't even post the dumb pictures on the computer because the old memory card that i mentioned earlier (the one that can hold only 70 pictures? yeah, that's the one.) is full and won't let me upload them onto the computer. so...yeah.
happy back- to- school!

ps..anyone else get Mockingjay last Tuesday? i'm soo close to finishing! don't reply with any spoilers! ;)

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