Saturday, April 23, 2011


i wish so much that i could've been at the Coachella festival over yonder on the west coast. but i guess it's an east coast vs west coast sort of thing. that, and i have no car/license/friends interested in it. well, i mean, there's one friend...but she's seeing Lady GaGa live in the near future and i am very jealous. and i'm seeing Panic! At The Disco with her in May. but that's beside the point.
ANYWAYS, i have no idea who i'm talking to right now. it's like an empty expanse of cyber blogging in which no one knows who Nikki (me) is...or who the Shoe Whore is. it's rather depressing, actually.

arrite...i'm going to go start that English homework that I've been putting off. Happy Easter/Passover, everyone!

xo nikki

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